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Madigan Millworks - Custom Millwork Shop
Venue address
150 New Britain Avenue
Unionville, CT
United States
Madigan Millworks - Custom Millwork Shop

Complete Plant Closure

Madigan Millworks - Complete Plant Closure

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 20, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Ends from: Nov 28, 2023 11:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
Nov 27, 2023 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
MIMS Riggers-Patty Myer-203-910-9067
There are 213 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Hand Clamps
Lot 59
Saw Blades/Saws
DeVilbiss Pneumatic Pressure Pots
Milwaukee Convertible Hand Truck
Powertec Extendible Rollers
Wilton Benchvise
Castered Layup Table/Misc. Wood Pieces/Consumables
Delta Double Ended Bench Grinder
Adapa Shopcart
Powermatic Production Table Saw/Amana Cutting Tool Kits
Powermatic Table Saw
Anver Vacuum Lift Assist
Dustek Dust Collection System
Grizzly Dust Collection System
Hampton Bay Pedestal Mounted Fan
Edge Bander Edging Materials/Wrenches/ Edge Bander Support
Husky Tool Box
Verarbeitungstechnik Heinz Draw Slide Press
Ridgid Portable Wet/Dry Vacuums
Dewalt Compound Miter Saw
Quality Vakuum Products Custom Veneering Vacuum Frame
Woodchuck Waste Collectors Dust Collectors
Blum Minipress Boring and Hinge Insertion Press
Grass Boring and Insertion Press
Blum Minipress Boring and Hinge Insertion Press
Grizzly Dust Collection Unit
Lot 91
Grizzly Dust Collection Unit
Bar Clamps with Cart
Sanding Belts
Lot 94
Houdaille Wood Shaper Table
Kreg Tool Company Pocket Hole Machine
Dewalt Miter Saw
LGF Wood Shaper/Holzher Power Feed Head
Yates American Jointer
Houdaille Wood Shaper Table
Houdaille Planer
Delta Rockwell Table Saw
Crouch Edge Belt Sander
Grizzly Dust Collection System
Bar Clamps
Lot 107
Dustek Dust Collection System
Festool Plunge Cut Track Saw
Festool Geared Sander
Porter Cable Variable Speed Router/Makita Belt Sander
Porter Cable Routers/Heavy Duty Power Unit
Assorted Tools
Lot 112A
Glue Guns/Heat Gun
Mirka Orbital Sander
Hitachi Staple Gun/Mirka Orbital Sander
Festool Portable Dust Extractor
Porter Cable Production Router
Sears Double Ended Bench Grinder