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Industry Leading Medical Supply Manufacturer
Venue address
550 Research Parkway
Meriden, CT
United States
Industry Leading Medical Supply Manufacturer

Accepting Presale Offers on Major Equipment

Industry Leading Medical Supply Manufacturer

Auction dates
Starts: Oct 02, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Ends from: Oct 17, 2023 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
Oct 16, 2023 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
Foreman Machinery Movers-James-561-234-8758
There are 224 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Denios Haz Mat Safety Storage Container
Denios Haz Mat Safety Storage Container
Denios Haz Mat Safety Storage Container
ID Technology Printer/Applicator
ID Technology Printer/Applicator
ID Technology Printer/Applicator
Asst. Portable Mixer Carts
Global Drum Lift
Lot 208A
Global Drum Lift
Lot 208B
Asst. Portable Mixer Carts
Asst. Portable Mixer Carts
Mixing Apparatus
Lot 209B
Fairbanks Floor Scale
Fairbanks Floor Scale
Weigh-Tronix Floor Scale
Doran Table Top Scale
Fairbanks Table Top Scale
Asst. Hydraulic Table Carts
Bishamon Hydraulic Lifting Tables
CAS Pallet Jack
Lot 219
Vestil Pallet Jack
Presto Lift
Lot 221
Presto Lift
Lot 222
Presto Lift
Lot 223
Morse Drum Dolly
Morse Drum Dolly
Asst. Wesco Drum Barrel/Heated Drum Dolly
Rite Hite Trailer Stand
Cotterman Aluminum 1 Steppers
Cotterman Aluminum 1 Steppers
Cotterman Aluminum 1 Steppers
Power X Hydraulic Drum Garbage Compactor
Storage Lockers
Lot 232
Stairwell/Platform Structure
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Heavy Duty Storage Racks
Sew Eurodrive
Lot 245
Fanuc Motors
Lot 247
Fanuc Motors
Lot 249
Fanuc Motors
Lot 250
Fanuc Motors
Lot 251
Fanuc Motors
Lot 252
Asst. Timken & Fag Industrial Bearings
Asst. Siemens Components
Triple-Wall Gaylord Containers
Kronos Clocks
Lot 256
Kronos Clocks
Lot 257
Atlas Sound Loudspeakers
Vestil Coil Lifter
Metal Tables
Lot 260