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Worthington Steelpac Systems - Steel Products Manufacturer
Venue address
1445 N. Michigan Avenue
Greensburg, IN
United States
Worthington Steelpac Systems - Steel Products Manufacturer

Rafted Roll Forming Line • CNC Multi-Fold Benders • Robotic Welding Cells • Machine Tools • Air Compressors • Plant Support Equipment and more!

Auction dates
Starts: Aug 20, 2020 10:00 AM ET
Ends from: Sep 15, 2020 10:00 AM ET
Viewing dates
Sep 14, 2020 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM ET
Auction currency
Clover Machinery Movers-Tab Casper-574-220-9507
Griner Engineering,Inc-John Griner-812-327-5979
Gorham Industrial,LLC-John Gorham-803-617-8434
Accepted cards
There are 257 lots within this auction
Primary Category
Item Type
Sorted by
We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
40 inch heavy duty torque wrench with case
Lot of (2) Milwaukee nibblers, 10 gauge steel 3/4 mm capacity
Hilti TE 60 heavy duty combination hammer drill with case
Milwaukee 5533-2 portable heavy duty rotary hammer with case
Milwaukee 4 1/2 inch right angle grinder (NEW IN BOX)
Lot of (2) Hitachi UVP heavy duty right angle grinders
Reelcraft RT650-OLP retractable air hose reel (NEW IN BOX)
Fromm P355 pneumatic strapping machine
Transpak portable cordless strapping machine with charger
Transpak portable cordless strapping machine
Fromm P330 portable cordless strapping machine
Lot of asst electric hand tools
Ridgid 141 heavy duty threadding die
Lot of asst lifting chains, hooks, clevises, etc
Lot of (2) Lift All 1000 lb capacity mesh slings (NEW IN BOX)
Lot of (3) asst mesh slings
Lot of (3) steel sheet lifting clamps
Hypertherm POWERMAX 1000 G3 portable plasma cutter, 3 phase
Miller MILLERMATIC 252 portable welder
Miller MILLERMATIC 251 portable wire welder
Miller MILLERMATIC 250X portable wire welder
Miller MILLERMATIC 250 portable wire welder
Miller MILLERMATIC 250 portable wire welder
Miller MILLERMATIC 250 portable wire welder
Lot of welding guns, wire and curtains
acetylene cutting torch set with cart (NO BOTTLES INCLUDED)
24 X 48 inch portable die lifting tble
20 X 40 inch portable die lifting table
Dyna-Glo portable 180,000 BTU kerosene heater
Signode portable strapping machine with plastic strap
Signode strap roll dispenser
Lot of asst heavy duty wrenches and asst ratchets and sockets
MSA OptimAir TL powered air purifying respirator
Maxx Air 30 inch diameter pedestal shop fan (NEW IN BOX)
Lot of (15) rolls 3/4 inch plastic strapping
Portable motorized pump and filter
Rol Lift hydraulic short fork pallet jack, 5000 lb capacity